Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thoughts from an acquaintance

Dear Geisinsky Family,

It is with a heavy heart that I write these notes of nechama to you. Zlata A"H accomplished in her short life what Pirke Avos tells us is the most precious of achievements. She left as her yerushah to all of you the knowledge that she earned a Keser Shem Tov with every interaction she had with people - whether they were close friends or acquaintances.

For us, The Geisinsky family will always be a part of our Potomac memories and life. Whenever I ran into Zlata - in a store, on the street, in schools - she always took the time to ask about our children, our lives,
and our well being. She always had a smile and sense of well being about her which she conveyed so easily.

Please know that there are so very many, many people who will hold her in our memories.

May Hashem provide you with the nechama of knowing what a very, very special person she was. We, too, will miss her.

Elaine and Bob Jaye

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