Friday, June 18, 2010

Invitation to view Orlando's Picasa Web Album - Zlata O"BM, Being there for Everyone / By Orlando Osher

You are invited to view Orlando's photo album: Zlata O"BM, Being there for Everyone / By Orlando Osher
Zlata O"BM, Being there for Everyone / By Orlando Osher
MD, NY -
Jun 18, 2010
by Orlando
Zlata, doing what she loved best: doing, helping, and being there for everyone. Years 2000 - 2010
Message from Orlando:
To the Geisinsky family,
I have put together an album to reflect on the life of Zlata O'BM, with a few pictures for everyone to enjoy and relish on Zlata, her life and her influence that she had on all of us.
May there not be any more suffering and tears, but simchas, for MOSHIACH to come quickly.
Orlando Osher
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1 comment:

  1. Orlando, thank you so much for sharing those photos. I was just cooking for Shabbos and thinking about Zlata and the Geisinskys and all the wonderful Shabbosim I spent there.

    Ditza Young
