I spent several summers with Benny and Zlata in the early years of Camp Gan Israel of Rockville, during the 80s. We had a great time, perhaps I took it for granted at the time, but there was so much that the Geisinskys did so that camp would run well, and the counselors were taken care of.
Their home was open to the staff, their personal belongings were shared with camp, their time belonged to camp. Zlata never complained that something was too much work. She took on more and more, and made everything work. Friday night we made Kiddush 11L:00 p.m., I remember dozing off at the table, I can’t imagine how she had the strength to make Shabbos and even stay awake through the meal, which ended about 1:00 a.m.
I don’t recall Zlata ever taking time for herself. She always took the lead in helping people who needed. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen her lose her composure. On the contrary, she always displayed a sense of humor, she always had people chuckling. You knew that you could count on Benny and Zlata.
I’ve stayed in touch with the Geisinskys over the years, and feel honored to be counted among their old friends.
Aibershter, have pity on Zlata’s family, have pity on her community, have pity on klal yisrael.
Let her memory be an inspiration to those who knew her to emulate her midos tovos and maasim tovim.
-Chaim Kosofsky,’
Springfield, MA
P.S. One camp morning, Benny woke us up at 5:00 a.m. Zlata needed to go to the hospital (to deliver Rochie), and we went back to their house to babysit for Sendy and Aidie. We got them dressed, fed them, and brought them to camp.