Dr. Levisohn and Mrs. Koss, MJBHA:
I am writing to you from The Holy Land with deep sadness after hearing of the untimely passing of Mrs. Zlata Geisinsky.
I have to tell you that she affected me deeply. Whether at MJBHA or sometimes seeing her at the Potomac Mikvah, she was so wonderful.
She was one of the first people that my husband and I met at MJBHA when deciding where to send, my then Kindergartener, Jordyn, now 10.
She was so firm and confident that MJBHA was certainly for us! My kids never went to the Pre-school at MJBHA, (only K-3rd grade) but she was always so helpful to me, if I needed anything. We would often talk, especially after Eric & I decided to make Aliyah. I remember one time, in Potomac, I saw her and we spent about 45 minutes talking about Aliyah and how she knew it was the right thing for me and my family. She was so attentive and kind, I will always remember that wonderful, inspirational conversation.
I know that this is an incredibly sad time for the Geisinsky's, the community at-large and also the MJBHA school community as well. Please know that those of us here in Israel are also deeply shocked & saddened by Zlata's passing. We will keep MJBHA & her family in our thoughts and prayers. May her memory be for a blessing.
May the Geisinsky Family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Lori Solat and Family, Maale Adumim, Israel
Lori Solat
106/2 Rechov Mitzpe Nevo
Ma'ale Adumim, Israel 98411
USA Voip line: 301-299-1360
Lori cell: 052-320-9499
Eric cell: 052-320-6212
Lori Solat
106/2 Rechov Mitzpe Nevo
Ma'ale Adumim, Israel 98411
USA Voip line: 301-299-1360
Lori cell: 052-320-9499
Eric cell: 052-320-6212
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