From: Barbara Rome []
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 2:25 AM
To: ''
Subject: Smouldering Intensity; Quiet Elegance
By Barbara and Zvi Rome,
About 13 years ago, my then-fiance Zvi Rome took me to the first of what would become many Friday evening services, followed by dinner at Zlata and Rabbi G's home in
Zlata, for me, was compelling; a paradox. Subtle and modest (needless to say), but seductively self-confident. Her endlessly dark blue eyes exuded a smoldering intensity for the life she was living; a life far different from my own. Five fabulous children, a gifted teacher, a home-maker that put Martha Stewart to shame; Zlata was truly a woman of valor. A Type A personality, this smart, multi-tasking, people-savvy lady could have been a corporate executive or a high-powered
Zlata gently eased me in – purely through personal example – to the sanctity of Friday "kabalat shabbat" at home, the more around the table the merrier. This from a journalist for whom Friday evenings meant deadline stress, followed by decompressing over dinner out.
We were honored to have Zlata and Rabbi G. walk Zvi down the aisle at our wedding, 1 Nissan, 1998, as Zvi's father from
In the years since, in our frequent visits back to the
The last time was just about a year ago. Zlata finally had the lovely home and the well-appointed kitchen she so richly deserved. She was full of youth, verve and purpose. And that's how we'll always remember her. Young, gorgeous: and smoldering with a contagious sense of purpose.
As hard as it is to write about Zlata in the past tense, and as heartfelt are our condolences to Rabbi G and the entire family, we're sure this incredible young woman is at peace, comfortably situated on the other side of this world's narrow bridge.
May her memory always be a blessed inspiration to those of us still traversing the narrow bridge. May her red, impeccably manicured hand continue to guide us virtually on our respective journeys, as I'm sure it will continue to guide ours.
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